The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO founded the Keystone Development Partnership (KDP) in 2005 as 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to create labor management and workforce development programs that serve local communities.
Today KDP serves this mission by helping to catalyze training and apprenticeship programs and manage regional partnerships. We bring together employers, unions, training providers, industry associations, community-based organizations and public agencies to collaborate on initiatives that improve labor skills and productivity. Our work helps ensure businesses have the skilled workers they need to thrive and unions have effective training programs for their members.
John is Executive Director of KDP. He has extensive experience developing data-driven training programs and Industry Partnerships since 2005. John also leads initiatives that create new registered apprenticeship programs.
Risë has been Data Management Specialist for KDP since 2007. She has over 40 years of workforce program management experience with the PA Department of Labor & Industry.
Mary is KDP's Chief Financial Officer. She is a certified public accountant with over 40 years of experience in auditing and accounting services in the public, private and governmental sectors. Mary has a BSc Accounting from Elizabethtown College.
John is a Program Manager at KDP. He has spent more than 25 years developing and managing workforce & economic development programs, both nationally and internationally. John has an MBA from Cornell University and a BS Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.
Tara is KDP’s Apprenticeship Manager. She has been a leader in a variety of union and workforce roles, and brings to the team a background in career pathway development, workforce strategy, labor relations, and creative engagement.
Tiffany Unger is a Project Manager at KDP. Prior to joining the team, she managed apprenticeship programs at a PA-based manufacturer. Tiffany has a BS in Business Administration and Leadership/Management from Franklin University. She is also a former graduate of KDP's RA Navigator Apprenticeship Program.
American Legion - Treasurer
ApprenticeshipPHL - Collaborative Member
Beacon Clinic - Board Member and Treasurer
Job Training for Beaver County, Inc. – Board Member
Operation Medical - Board Member
Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy - Board Member
SCPaWorks, South Central Workforce Development Board - Board Member
Southwest Training Services Inc. - Board of Directors
United Way of the Capital Region - Labor Advisory Board
University of Pittsburgh, Institute of Politics – Workforce Development Committee
Western Area Career and Technical Center – Advisory Committee
Women in Non-Traditional Careers (WINC), Philadelphia - Executive Committee